Client Testimonials
Making life easier through technology
We are always delighted to see our customers pleased. IP1 is dedicated to promoting and providing cutting-edge technology services to meet the needs of our customers. When it comes to the customer, we ensure that their needs get met and supported outside our area of expertise. We have received excellent feedback from our loyal customers, and that is all we require.

"IP1 are the software specialists who have the interest of their customers at heart more than anything else. It was a great pleasure working with them, and the team went out of their way to ensure all the requirements of the councils in Kiribati were met beyond the scope of their initial work. They have done everything possible to ensure continuity and have provided 3-way post-implementation support by having a nominated in-country specialist support, remote access support, and support via electronic means.
I look forward to working with IP1 in other CLGF member countries as well".
Commonwealth Local Government Forum

"We are now close to achieving one of our goals, and that is to be a paperless organization. Since all the required documents can be accessed from the member’s e-Folder, there is no need to re-print documents"
Kiribati Provident Fund

"Even during the lockdowns, our members are able to lodge their loan and withdrawal applications on the Members Portal from home. "

"We can process the loan applications and benefit withdrawal applications from anywhere. This is crucial as we are able to still server our members during the COVID19 lockdowns"
Fijian Teachers Association

"Our members are now starting to use Members Public Portal to check their balances and eligibilities"
Kiribati Provident Fund

"Our Branch on Christmas Island can now access the system and they can use all the features we’re also accessing from the Head Quarter"
Kiribati Housing Authority

"Members can lodge their loan application from the safety of their homes, which is very important especially during this COVID19 pandemic"
Kiribati Provident Fund

"8 minutes is all it takes to complete the loan application, and that is from lodgment to depositing the funds into the member’s bank account or MPAISA."
Fijian Teachers Association

"We are so happy to have IP1 as our software partner. The LoanPlus1 is truly online and this improved our efficiency and improving the standard of our Customer Service"
Kiribati Housing Authority

"The LoanPlus1 Online Banking is a first not only for the Development Bank of Tuvalu, but for the whole of Tuvalu"
Development Bank of Tuvalu